SPPC Today

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sermon: The Wind That Fills Our Sails


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sermon: Foolishness



Welcome to Saanich Peninsula Presbyterian Church. 

Our worship takes place at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning both in-person and online (via the SPPC YouTube Livestream button above). We invite you to join us each week as we continue to explore and follow the Word of God. Following the service, there will be a fellowship time at the back of the sanctuary.

For the safety of your neighbours, when you attend worship: 

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

News for Sunday, July 28, 2024

This week marks the beginning of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. The world's attention will be captured by the remarkable feats of athleticism and the spirit of competition, but also the unity displayed by nations coming together. The Olympics are a celebration of human physical achievement, yet they also offer valuable insights into our faith journey.

To reach the Olympics demands a staggering level of dedication and perseverance from athletes. I have witnessed this firsthand in my niece, Erin, who is representing Canada in track cycling in Paris. She has spent over a decade preparing herself for this moment, overcoming hardships and injuries along the way. Great achievements demand great dedication. This serves as a reminder of the importance of commitment and discipline in our own spiritual lives. The pursuit of excellence mirrors our ongoing quest to deepen our relationship with God and live out our faith more fully. Just as athletes push their limits, we are called to continually grow and strive for spiritual transformation.

However, athletes rarely thrive alone. They require the efforts of teammates, coaches, and trainers, among others, to support them and help them flourish. Similarly, in our spiritual journey, we need to be surrounded by a church community to truly thrive.

We invite you to join us for worship this Sunday at 10:00 am. You can attend in person or join us online via our live stream. The link for the live stream can be found here.

Our scriptures this week are:

We are also looking forward to our solo, Jesus, Bread of Life, I Pray Thee by J. Frank, C. Winkworth, G. Merkel, and A. Whitehead.

Upcoming events

Grace and peace.