SPPC Today

Sunday Worship, September 15, 2024

Sermon: The Legacy of Faith


Sunday Worship, September 8, 2024

Preacher: Rev. Joan Scandrett 



Welcome to Saanich Peninsula Presbyterian Church. 

Our worship takes place at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning both in-person and online (via the SPPC YouTube Livestream button above). We invite you to join us each week as we continue to explore and follow the Word of God. Following the service, there will be a fellowship time at the back of the sanctuary.

For the safety of your neighbours, when you attend worship: 

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

News for Sunday, September 15, 2024

Diane, I and our family would like to thank you for the many cards and messages of condolence on the passing of Diane's Mom, Rosemary Hunter. As several have inquired, Rosemary's memorial service will be held on October 4 at 11:00 a.m. at St. Michael and All Angels’ Anglican Church (4733 West Saanich Road). Rosemary was always so grateful to be welcomed into our church and for the love and friendship she experienced here.

This week has been rather busy for me, mainly due to the numerous meetings related to my interim moderator duties at Trinity and my role as convener of the Cedar Tree Ministries Council. On top of that, the looming Presbytery meeting has necessitated report writing for these duties. It would be understandable to feel a bit resentful of the extra workload, but instead, I find myself feeling blessed.

These experiences offer invaluable opportunities for growth and learning, and they serve as a potent reminder that our church, SPPC, is just one small part of a much larger tapestry. We are interconnected with a vast network of faith communities, each playing an important role in the broader Church. This is a humbling realization that calls us to extend our prayers, support, and active participation beyond the walls of our own congregation. ultimately, these "extra" tasks are not burdens but blessings, chances to contribute to something truly meaningful and to connect with the wider Body of Christ.

Please, join us for worship this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. You are welcome to attend in person or connect with us online through our live stream. Find the live stream link here.

We look forward to having Pam read the Word of God for us this week:

This week our choir will be singing the anthem, Great is Thy faithfulness by Tho­mas O. Chis­holm and William M. Runyan.

Upcoming events

Grace and peace to you all!