SPPC Today
News for Sunday, February 9, 2025
The Lord's Supper, also known as Holy Communion or the Eucharist, is a central sacrament in the Presbyterian Church, a sacred meal instituted by Jesus Christ himself. It is a profound act of remembrance, not merely recalling a past event, but truly participating in the ongoing reality of Christ's sacrifice and his presence with us. Through the symbolic elements of bread and wine, we are spiritually nourished and strengthened, our faith renewed, and our union with Christ and with one another deepened. This sacrament is a visible sign and seal of God's grace, not a means of earning it, but a gift freely offered to all who believe. It is a celebration of the covenant relationship we share with God through Christ, a reminder of his unwavering love, and a foretaste of the heavenly banquet to come.
In the Reformed understanding, the Lord's Supper is more than just a symbolic gesture. While we do not believe in the Roman Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation, we affirm the real spiritual presence of Christ in the sacrament. This means that, through the power of the Holy Spirit, believers truly partake of Christ's body and blood in a spiritual sense, receiving the benefits of his atoning sacrifice and experiencing a renewed communion with him. It is a time of intimate fellowship with our Saviour, a moment to examine our hearts, confess our sins, and receive forgiveness and grace. As we gather around the Lord's Table this Sunday, we are reminded of our shared identity as members of the body of Christ, bound together by faith and love. It is a foretaste of the heavenly banquet, a glimpse of the eternal fellowship we will share with Christ in his kingdom.
Worship this Sunday
Come join in worship at SPPC this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. You can participate in person or connect with our community online via the live stream. The link is available here.
The Scripture readings are:
This week we also look forward to our choir singing both the introit, The Lord is in His holy temple, and the anthem, Living Bread by Gilbert M. Martin.
The Wednesday Study resumes this week on February 12 with classes at 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Barbara Lyon and her amazing team are hosting a delicious Soup & Sandwich Fundraising Luncheon this Saturday, February 8th, at 12:30 p.m. in Molloy Hall. We're raising money to help pay for our new heat pump. Come on out and enjoy a warm and wonderful meal while supporting a great need! We'll have a variety of delicious soups, tasty sandwiches, and yummy desserts, plus tea and coffee.
Please remember to pick up a copy of the 2024 Annual Report this Sunday. The Annual Congregational Meeting will take place on Sunday, February 23, 2025..
The Sunshine Lunch takes place on Monday, February 10 at noon with a Valentine’s theme.
Our next Friendship Coffee gathering at SPPC will be on Thursday, February 27 at 10 a.m. Bring a friend to enjoy this fellowship.
Out to Lunch Bunch: the next adventure is at the Thai Corner Restaurant on Friday, February 28 at 11:30 a.m. The buffet lunch is once again available at $19.95. Please sign up by Sunday, February 21.
And may the Lord be with you all!
Sunday Worship, February 2, 2025
Sermon: Keeping the Sabbath
Welcome to Saanich Peninsula Presbyterian Church.
Our worship takes place at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning both in-person and online (via the SPPC YouTube Livestream button above). We invite you to join us each week as we continue to explore and follow the Word of God. Following the service, there will be a fellowship time at the back of the sanctuary.
For the safety of your neighbours, when you attend worship:
Please, perform a health check prior to attending.
While masks are not required, feel free to wear one if you prefer.
We look forward to seeing you on Sunday.